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September 18, 2013

The Volume 2 represents the second major element of the Agricultural Sector Review, and provides investment strategies and specific investment project profiles for the sector. The volume is divided into two broad parts. In the first section, broad development themes which have emerged as of importance to agriculture and the rural sector in Myanmar are discussed. These are used as reference points for the individual sub-sectoral strategies which follow. Proposed strategies and investments relate to both technical and policy areas, and are grouped in to short-term, medium-term and long-term investment horizons. Finally a unified sector strategy is presented together with a ‘road map’ for sector investment.

In the second half of the volume, more than 30 specific investment profiles are presented. Typically running to 3-4 pages per investment, these profiles are intended to provide the background, rationale and objectives of each specific investment, as well as to indicate the magnitude of costs and likely time scale involved. They are by no means detailed project proposals, but do provide a departure point for subsequent identification and preparation exercises. Taken in aggregate, they provide some indication of the potential investment costs facing the agriculture sector over the next 10 years.

Document Type
Regions and Countries